The rise of Reactive Programming

There are increasing demands on software. Consumers expect a local online shop to work as well as Amazon or Zalando. The user experience offered by tech giants like Spotify and Facebook should not be much less. Everything has to be fast, smooth and simple.

Software complexity

As a result, the complexity of software is increasing. Especially in e-commerce, where order systems and the back-end must connect perfectly, the (almost) real-time processing of huge amounts of data is increasingly becoming a requirement. Managing simultaneous changes between modules becomes a major challenge.

Trend: reactive programming

A trend within software engineering that responds to this is 'reactive programming'. Spilberg sees increasing demand for software developers familiar with this software architecture style. What is reactive programming, what are reactive streams, why is this way of thinking on the rise? And how does this declarative programming paradigm work?

Spilberg found Nicolas Fränkel, developer advocate at Hazelcast, willing to explain this new concept of programming. The Swiss consultant/trainer/author of books held a webinar with lots of 'practice'. He does not want to be a 'reactive' guru who only outlines the benefits and is blind to the limitations.

Instead of giving a long theoretical treatise, Fränkel demonstrated how reactive programming works in concrete terms. Developers could see step by step how he migrated an app to the 'reactive model'. In doing so, he chose a traditional Spring Boot application, an open source Java-based framework for microservices. Such a Spring Boot contains comprehensive infrastructure support. You can develop enterprise-ready applications with it.

What is reactive programming?

Reactive programming is simply a programming concept or thinking pattern driven by events. Normally, these events occur in a certain sequence over time. This software architecture style deals with these data streams and revolves around the 'propagation' of changes. Data streams form the backbone of the application. Events, messages, calls and even failures are transmitted through a data stream.

In reactive programming, you observe these flows and react when a value is transmitted. Such a system reacts quickly, timely if possible. Another characteristic is resilience. Even if something goes wrong, responsiveness is maintained. Even with a sharply increasing workload, everything continues to work well. Last but not least, the system works according to the 'actor model' and is 'driven' by messages. This message flow is asynchronous. This development model is structured entirely around asynchronous data flows.

Side effect is that the application becomes asynchronous through and through. The purpose of 'reactive streams' is to provide a standard for processing asynchronous streams with non-blocking 'backpressure'.

The benefits of reactive programming

The main advantages of reactive programming are its enormous scalability and suitability for the cloud. Resource utilisation is optimal. This saves money. The disadvantage is that such a concept can be complex. You have to think differently. Moreover, bugs are harder to get out of the system. Specific APIs are also needed. Last but not least, a single 'blocking call' in the 'call chain' means that the system is no longer reactive.

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